Richard Cummings
3 min readJul 13, 2019


by Richard Cummings

Learning something new can be either difficult or easy and then there is next to impossible. Quantum Physics lies somewhere between those learning abilities. Something which is difficult or impossible takes imagination. Most of what I am going to talk about is all imagination. Let’s take off where we left off in our last chapter in our discussion about time. Most of us have a watch on our wrists or own one. Time is more important today then it ever has been when it comes to getting to work on time, getting projects in, arriving home, having dinner to going to bed and the worst, getting up in the morning. When we were just growing up, time was not so important. When we get older and retire, it also appears to drift. Anytime we sit down and watch television, time is not paid too much attention to except knowing when the show starts.

Imagine time is an endless feedback loop. That’s right; a continuous movement like the second hand on your watch. In fact, time or reality moves in what they call a plank length of time. It’s like watching a movie where one frame moves across the screen at a time. The difference is this these plank lengths are so short, it’s not even worth mentioning. The importance is if we suddenly stopped this movie, everything would stop. Since this is not going to happen, it’s more important to spend time imagining time is a feedback loop. The length of this feedback loop is obviously not known mathematically, and if it is, it has yet to be important enough to discuss. Our existence is full of continuous loops from the beginning of man to now.

What if I told you, in my opinion, we are feedback loops? This is the first time this concept has been introduced, but it makes sense, at least to my imagination. Not to deprive us of our value, in fact, it should increase our understanding of where we as humans stand in comparison to the total universe. If you think about it, everything, well, most everything cycles in a loop. The earth turns and circles the sun creating different seasons of time. We intersect as humans, this loop. The next thing to add is gravity and we will be all set to imagine most anything. Gravity is a particle in which has been called a couple of things, one being the “God particle”. It took years of smashing particles together in Cerns laboratory to prove the existence of this particle. Particles, no matter what they are, are easier to remember as part of a force. Gravity is a force which affects most everything.

Here we are, loops which are affected by gravity, affected by continuous feedback. For those of us who need a review, feedback is the “modification or control of a process or system by its results or effects, e.g., in a biochemical pathway or behavioral response.” according to Google.

This doesn’t give us the direct answer to other questions such as where are all the people who lived before us? Are they in an endless feedback loop we can’t see or are they in another universe? The other question is does dark matter affect these loops or black holes? These are the questions we will address in the next chapter.



Richard Cummings

Masters in Social Work/Washington University of St. Louis, research, writing about mental illnesses, Grief,PTSD, Relationships, Abuse. Freelance Writer