Richard Cummings
2 min readSep 14, 2019


Irreverant Was The Path She Chose — part 2 — a poem by Richard Cummings

Once, twice three and love starts to die.

Late nights for her were becoming more often

As the husband wondering why

Work became a definition for her

An addiction for most of her ego

Once, twice three and love starts to die.

Dad, father, nurture, cook, gardener, house cleaner

Splitting like a tree anomalies branches it did

What we have here is a failure to communicate

Once, twice three and love starts to die.

Parting of the god-given promised married souls

One took the path of least resistance and fell

Joining with a colleague she believed to be good

Believing she was hiding it so well

Once, twice three and love starts to die.

Coming home, cheating the souls of her shoes

Kicking them off and putting on slippers at home

No one can serve two masters she knew

and so she chose

Once, twice three and love starts to die

Sick she became as she walked around her home

Happiness. love. passing as a storm cloud of lightning.

Her mother offered to only strengthen apron strings

Her father saddened and believed as he swam in lies

Once, twice three and love died

Richard Cummings — is a published freelance writer. He earned a Masters of Social Work degree at Washington University in St. Louis. He is known for his insightfulness of the human soul. He practices clinical psychology as a social worker for many years. After his divorce, he chose to take advantage of God-given gifts in art and writing. He is known for his passion for creativity which is demonstrated in his writings.



Richard Cummings

Masters in Social Work/Washington University of St. Louis, research, writing about mental illnesses, Grief,PTSD, Relationships, Abuse. Freelance Writer